Author Archives: Ignasi Labastida

Highlights of the Fifth LEARN Workshop in Barcelona

A year after the first LEARN Workshop in London, Universitat de Barcelona hosted the fifth and last workshop of the Project. The Aula Magna of the university was the chosen venue to hold this final workshop entitled ‘Shaping and Aligning Research Data’. On the morning of 26 January 2017, around fifty people attended the workshop — all of them geared up to participate actively in […]

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The Italian OpenAIRE National Workshop: The LEARN Project in Rome

Over the last two days of May, the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) hosted the Italian OpenAIRE National Workshop organised by Cineca in Rome. Cineca is the National Open Access Desk (NOAD) in Italy. The two-day workshop focused primarily on the present situation and the future prospects for Open Science. In the first day we reviewed three relevant EU funded projects that have finished, or […]

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Let’s take a coffee break to discuss research data

The first week of April saw Amsterdam host the two-day Open Science Conference which was devoted to establishing an action plan to foster and promote open science. On the first day there were several panels introducing the current situation and the problems and challenges faced by this topic. The second day was focussed on action and this was where LIBER played an outstanding role by […]

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Is your institution ready for managing research data?

Managing research data has become one the contemporary challenges for research institutions. More and more funders and publishers are asking researchers to share the data they gather, compile or create during the course of their research. However it is not simply an issue of sharing or publishing as the matter goes further than that. Research institutions need to provide support for the complete research cycle, […]

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