1st LEARN Workshop – London

‘Embedding Research Data as part of the research cycle’

 The 1st LEARN Workshop in London, entitled Embedding Research Data as part of the research cycle’, took place on 29th of January 2016. Its purpose was to encourage all stakeholders – researchers, research funders, research organisations and senior decision makers – to explore what their roles and responsibilities are in this fast-changing environment. This workshop, and those that follow, are part of the EU-funded LEARN Project’s remit to engage with stakeholders, and produce model policies and toolkits which will support them as they embrace the challenges that research data management (RDM) brings.

Overall the day was judged a success by attendees (see link below for the results of the Survey Monkey poll). As well as a wide range of views and perspectives delivered by the keynote speakers, the break-out groups from the afternoon session produced many discussion points that will be useful to capture themes and case studies to be included in the LEARN Project’s toolkit of best RDM practices. The feedback from the day will be used to shape future LEARN workshops, the next of which takes place in Vienna on 6 April 2016.

Speakers’ presentations and videos from the main sessions are available.

Reports from the event’s break-out group discussions, along with a summary from the Chair, are available at the Workshop outputs section.

Feedback evaluation from the workshop attendees is also available.

Also, take a look at the Photo gallery from the day!