3rd LEARN Workshop – Helsinki
The 3rd LEARN workshop on Research Data Management, “Make research data management policies work”, is the third of five international conferences within the EU-funded project, LEARN (Leaders Activating Research Networks).
LEARN Workshops are designed to encourage all stakeholders – research funders, organisations and decision makers, researchers, library and IT staff – to explore their roles and responsibilities in the process of developing policies for Research Data Management. The workshop in Helsinki has presented the work carried out by the project and provided a forum for discussion and exchange of advice, ideas and views in the effective implementation of RDM policies.
As your host, LIBER want to thank you for your participation in this meeting which was splitted into two sessions. The morning session was devoted to lectures by keynote speakers, whereas the afternoon session consisted on three breakout groups, where best practices and case studies were identified and discussed. It was followed by a round table with several expert panellists with a different stakeholder’s roles, who discussed on the requirements for putting RDM policies into practice, and to close up, a keynote.
The 3rd LEARN workshop was held the 28th of June in Helsinki Congress Paasitorni, the day before the start of the Annual LIBER Conference.
We invite you to take a look at the programme, speaker’s profiles and presentations,
Reports from the event’s break-out group discussions are available at the Workshop outputs section.
Feedback evaluation from the workshop attendees is also available.
Also, take a look at the Photo gallery from the day!