e-infrastructures: Bringing research to the next level
Have you ever wondered what exactly an “e-infrastructure” is and how it changes your life? Credits: Adapted from original post at...
LEARN-CEPAL Mini-workshop – 20 April – video available!
One of the goals of creating a LEARN community in Latin America and the Caribbean, is to provide a place in...
Register for the 3rd LEARN Workshop – 28th June Helsinki
The 3rd LEARN workshop on Research Data Management, “Make research data management policies work”, is the third of five international...
2nd LEARN Workshop took place in Vienna, 6th April
Representatives of several ministries, funding bodies, research institutions from eight European countries and representatives of two international publishers attended at...
LEARN project at the Dutch Presidency Open Science Conference, 5th April
LEARN project will coordinate an Open Science World Café at Day Two of the prestigious Dutch Presidency Open Science Conference in Amsterdam....