I am Gema Bueno, a new team member at LIBER, one of the partners of the LEARN project. I will coordinate the LEARN communication and dissemination activities, like this brand new blog we are launching today.
In this first post, I would like to draw your attention to the role of libraries in research data management, which goes beyond the provision of collections and digital infrastructure. Libraries have a central role to play in taking over the coordination and implementation of RDM policies and procedures at their institutions. Libraries are engaging at different levels to promote these and other new roles for libraries in the digital research landscape, though they are still facing many challenges as the lack of awareness and support from their institutions.
Aiming to help libraries to overcome these barriers, LIBER has recently published the factsheet Libraries & Research Data: Towards a new leadership role and its summarising infographic, developed by LIBER’s Steering Committee on Scholarly Communication and Research Infrastructures.
The fact sheet includes a brief introduction on what RDM is, its importance, the role of libraries and opportunities to take the lead, as well as some key messages on how to get started, that may include discussions on:
- Securing the future use of research data.
- Learn more about disciplinary practices and needs.
- A permanent home for research data.
- Implementation requires new service roles.
- Continue exploring requirements and synergies.
- Curate and think of future needs.
To learn more about research data management for institutions, follow this blog and follow us on Twitter (@learnrdm). Both the factsheet and the infographic can both
be freely downloaded, and are licensed under CC-BY, so please, feel free to redistribute.