The LEARN project’s third workshop entitled “Make research data management policies work” was held on 28 June 2016 at the Helsinki Congress Paasitorni . It was organised by LIBER together with the other LEARN partners (University College London, University of Vienna, University of Barcelona, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean). A total of 65 registered delegates attended the day, coming chiefly from the host country Finland, but also from 13 other European countries, Israel and the United States. Attendees comprised librarians, IT staff, researchers, research funders, research organisations and publishers.

Photo by Linda Tammisto @LIBER Flickr
The morning session was devoted to keynote addresses, which began with Martin Moyle (UCL Library Services), who presented the LEARN Project and the needs of stakeholders in the RDM process. This was followed by Jean-François Dechamp (European Commission’s DG Research and Innovation) who addressed the challenges of open science and research data in Europe. Next came Kathleen Shearer (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) who approached the challenges for the development of RDM services at libraries. Finally Tomi Kauppinen (Aalto University School of Science) highlighted the opportunities for learning and reproducibility via Linked Open Science. His talk is also available as a blog post under the title Why to manage and share research data?.
During the afternoon session, delegates shared their experiences in two consecutive rounds at three parallel breakout groups. Each group addressed several questions around three specific topics: Research Data services planning, implementation and governance; mechanisms for competencies and skills development; and making possible and encouraging the reuse of data, including incentives for compliance.
At the panel session, moderated by LEARN Project partner Paolo Budroni (Vienna University Library and Archive Service), several experts representing different stakeholder groups contributed to the discussion giving their insights on the implementation of RDM policies: Kristiina Hormia-Poutanen (President of LIBER. National Library of Finland), and Juha Haataja (Counsellor of Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland), together with keynote speakers Jean-François Dechamp, Tomi Kauppinen and Kathleen Shearer.
To conclude the proceedings, Sarah Callaghan, Editor-in-Chief of Data Science Journal, delivered the closing keynote address, and provided a valuable insight on the ICSU (International Council for Science) International Accord: Open Data in a Big Data World.
If you want to know more about the event, you can check our Twitter timeline and the hashtags #LEARNHelsinki16 and #LEARNHelsinki.
The full programme is available together with the speakers’ profiles.
Speaker’s Presentations are now available for viewing and downloading, as well as some great photos from the event.
Feedback evaluation from the workshop attendees is also available.