LEARN Executive Briefings: Now Available

Research data is the new currency of the digital age. From sonnets to statistics, and genes to geodata, the amount of material being created and stored is growing exponentially. However, the LERU Roadmap for Research Data identifies a serious gap in the level of preparation amongst research performing organisations.

This gulf is prominent in areas such as policy development, awareness of current issues, skills development, training, costs, community building, governance, disciplinary/legal/terminological and geographical differences.

To help with these issues, LEARN has prepared an Executive Briefing aimed at helping decision and policy makers to identify sound solutions. It combines advice gathered by the project with key points from the LERU Roadmap, and is available in six languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Key points from the Executive Briefing include the following:

  • Research performing organisations and research funders should have research data policies which explain how research data needs to be curated and managed.
  • Best practice indicates that research data should be FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.
  • Researchers should plan the collection, curation, description and dissemination of their research data at the start of their research, and this information should be captured in a Research Data
    Management plan.
  • To curate their research data, researchers and research performing organisations need access to the requisite digital eco-systems. These platforms need to offer services such as: storage for researchers, a publication platform where data can be accessed for sharing and reuse, archive facilities and the ability for researchers and citizens to search for research data deposits, locally and across the Internet.
  • Researchers will require training on the latest research data skills, and research performing organisations need to take the lead in offering this training.

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