LEARN will present this poster about the project at the 9th RDA Plenary in Barcelona.
This week data scientists, librarians, computer scientists, and domain scientists will gather in Barcelona for the 9th Research Data Alliance Plenary Meeting, and LEARN will be there!
RDA Plenary meetings are special working events that help move the research data community forward, improving data sharing across disciplines, technologies, and countries. This ethos fits perfectly with LEARN’s goal of supporting institutions in their quest to better deal with the challenges of Research Data Management.
If you’re attending the RDA Plenary in Barcelona, come see our poster.
You can also connect with one of our project partners at the event. The following people from the LEARN consortium will be attending the Plenary:
- Paolo Budroni, Vienna University
- Melanie Imming, LIBER Europe
- Ignasi Labastida, University of Barcelona
- Simone Sacchi, LIBER Europe